Training & Conference Facilitation

Training & Conference Facilitation
Our firm provides different specialized training and related services to lawyers and other clients in the Public and Private – corporate Sector. We develop, organize and deliver specialized and tailor – made trainings and courses for big groups and small groups of 5 to 30 people in inter alia, the following areas:
- Legal aspects of Conference preparation, documentation and acquisition of relevant related services, approvals and authorizations
- Conference rapporteuring, reports drafting, editing and general report writing
- Law Firm organization and Management
- Basic and advanced advocacy & Pleading skills
- Basic & Advanced Legal Research Methods
- Comparative Civil & Criminal Procedure for lawyers
- Modern Legal & Legislative drafting
- Company & Board Secretarial skills training
- Arbitration, Mediation & Adjudication
- Procedures & Pleading in the East African Court of Justice and other regional jurisdictions
- Preparing National Human Rights and other Treaty Reports
- Organizing Conferences & Workshops on topical issues in the Justice and other related sectors