Employment Law and Labour Relations

Employment Law and Labour Relations

We are a leading employment law practice firm. We believe and appreciate   that   in business growth, one of the most important resources is the Human Resource. We have experts who handle and advise on a full spectrum of labour and employment issues for our clients. When it comes to employment law practice, we are simply the firm to go to.  We participate in helping to streamline the employment structures and ensuring that our clients comply with the various regulatory requirements. We participate in drafting and updating human resource manuals, guidelines and employment contracts and advising on their enforceability at different levels of staff for our clients – both corporate and individuals. Whenever called upon, we participate in advising our clients in handling recruitment and managing staff exit. Our specialised experts, are always available to advise in those important fields to both employer and employee.

We help our clients in computing benefits and other compliance requirements, and ensuring that the necessary protective measures are in place. Our advice extends to the applicability of various Human Resource Laws in Uganda including obligations, policies and procedures, compliances and Occupational Safety and Health Procedures, social security audits and expatriation issues, with the ability to handle well-managed litigation where need arises. We represent our aggrieved employees recover their entitlements, incentives, compensations of all sorts, benefits and pensions on a case by case basis.

We also offer legal counsel on legal issues ranging from recruitments to terminations, enforcement of post-termination obligations by former employees, non-competition covenants, protection of intellectual property, conducting investigations and compensation disputes. We have represented, reviewed and prepared employee handbooks and manuals for numerous clients and as such we guarantee a time-tested service in the field.

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